
Showing posts from April, 2020

Responding to COVID-19 together

As the world responds to the outbreaks of COVID-19 in various ways, many people and organizations are doing what they can to help others. Microsoft is working to ensure the safety of its employees, protect the health and well-being of its communities, and provide technology and resources to its customers—many of whom are now working remotely. Have a look at the compilation of resources that address the four areas in which Microsoft has prioritized its assistance: remote working, education, community support, and technical support. If you have extenuating needs right now, be sure to look for support that might be available. Read More...

Using Azure to Secure Employees at Home - This Quarters Theme at

At the beginning of  Quarter 1 2020, I mentioned that this year  was going   to be an exciting one. I certainly never thought of the  COVID – 19  pandemic, nor the series  of  earthquakes  we had in Utah  ( largest ever recorded in Utah at 5.7).  I was referring to the modern technologies that have begun to  define how we can securely  work from  anywhere at anytime.  But the timeliness  of our topics  hopefully  has  provided you some  guidance, as we face  a majority of  the workforce working from  home,  while  other  businesses are  shuddering  their workforce  due to an uncertain future market.    Our original topic for this  quarter was going to be azure specific.  But given the state we are in, I thought we could expand the topic  to  “ Using Azure to  S ecure  E mployees at  H ome ” . ...